Small Animal
Department F-A
Superintendent: Andy DiFillippio & Gloria Snyder
Sponsor: Tractor Supply - Herkimer
Best of Show Trophies for Rabbit and Poultry Divisions
Division 1 - Youth, Division 2 - Open
Premiums: 1st = $5.00, 2nd = $3.00, and 3rd = $2.00
Entries Due August 10th, Show Tuesday fair week 5:30pm.
General Entry Rules and Regulations
Entries for Division 1 are open to all youth 19 years or younger at time of show and Division 2 is 20 and over (you can only show once).
Animals must be brought to the fairgrounds on Monday before the fair between 5 P.M. & 8 P.M. and must be checked in with superintendent and the tags filled out before being left at the fair with Division Breed, Variety, Sex and Age.
Youth may only show 2 mixed breed/barnyard animals per person. NO Open barnyard/mixed breed entries allowed.
Limited caging will be available. You may bring your own cages.
Pheasants, peafowl, guinea hens must be locked in their cages. Give the marked keys to the superintendent.
Entry tags will be available at exhibit building; exhibitor must fill out entry tags and they will be attached to the cages for the duration of the fair.
All animals must comply with the health regulations found in the front of this book. Any animal showing signs of sickness will not be allowed to be exhibited and must be immediately removed from the fairgrounds.
Animals eligible for this department are ducks, chickens, pheasants, turkeys, pigeons, peafowl, geese, and rabbits.
No animals will be accepted in bags.
A copy of your health papers MUST be sent with your entry if required
Only 3 entries per variety per exhibitor will be allowed. ( See barnyard/mixed breed rule above).
No animals will be allowed to leave the Fair before release time. Release time is 9 a.m. Mondayafter the fair. If anyone takes their animal home prior to release time they will not receive their premiums.
Herkimer County Fair is not responsible for exhibits which are not picked up by 12:00 Noon on Mondayafter the fair.
All entries must be approved by the Superintendent and the Fair Board.
Space is limned, entries may be refused at the Fair’s discretion
No rabbit litters allowed, and rabbits must be at least 8 weeks old.
A special week pass may be purchased at the discretion of the superintendent and admission department