Department C
Superintendent: Scott & Heather Teachout
Youth and Open show will be on Thursday August 15th at 10 a.m.
Division 1 - Open Premiums: 1st $19.00, 2nd $13.00, 3rd $8.00, 4th $3.00 - Entry fee of $3.00 per class
Division 2 - Youth Premiums: 1st $13.00, 2nd $8.00, 3rd $5.00, 4th 2.00
SUPREME CHAMPIONS will receive a $100.00 gift certificate for CLINTON TRACTOR
General Entry Rules and Regulations - Printable entry form HERE
Beef entries must follow General Rules for all livestock and Health Requirements & IDs for cattle.
Open class Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor Awards will be presented at the conclusion of the Beef Show.
At the discretion of the superintendent and judge, classes may be combined depending on the number of entries.
Registration papers will be checked at the fair, if you do not have registration papers animals will be shown as commercial.
Over the Hill showman will be first, followed by Showmanship, combined youth and open breeding classes and market steer classes will follow. Open entries will be placed followed by youth.
Showmanship - age as of January 1st
Class 900 - Novice (never showed beef before)
Class 901 - Pee Wee (under 7 years)
Class 902 - Juniors (8-11 years)
Class 903 - Intermediate (12-15 years)
Class 904 - Seniors (16-19 years)
Class 905 - Over the Hill (20+)
Class 714 - Feeder Steer born after 1/1current year.
Class 715 - Market Steers (Classes will be divided by weight at the fair, steer may not be more than 2 years old on the1st day of the fair
Class 716 - Dairy Feeder Steers : Born on or after 9/1 preceding year.
Class 717 - Dairy Market Steers: Classes will be divided by weight at the fair, Born on or after 5/1/ 2nd preceding year.